Everyone has their opinion on Euthanasia. Honestly, I am a supporter for Euthanasia, but then again I am not. Euthanasia is a good thing in a way, but in other ways it's not. Why do I support Euthanasia?
Euthanasia is a way for a person thats ill to pick their own death date. Some people who are ill rather die peacefully than go through all of the pain from the cancer or illness. Most people would like to option to die the way they want to other dying from an illness. In my opinion, I agree that they should have the right to pick their death dates. Is it called suicide?
Euthanasia and Suicides is two completely different things. Suicide is when a person who is sad and depressed with life. Suicide is an easy way out, in my opinion. Euthanasia if for someone who is termanilly ill the chance to die in a peaceful right. Sometimes it better to just die, than go through what the cancer can do to someone. I believe in Euthanasia over Suicide any day.
Why don't I support Euthanasia? It would be hard to pick my own death date, if I had a severe cancer or illness. I do believe in fighting to survive then going in the easy way out. At a point where you don't feel like you can fight anymore, maybe the would be the chance for Euthanasia. If I did pick my death date, it would impact my family's lives. I would hate to leave my family on this earth because it was my decision to.
In a way, Euthanasia is good option. In other ways, it is not. Its hard to believe that someone could pick Euthanasia. If I was in severe pain and I was told that its better to die now, I don't know what I would do. Would I try to fight or would I not? I don't know if I would have the guts to survive or to end my own life.
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